Friday, November 8, 2013

Captured Moments

A Friday ritual. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment to pause, savor, and remember.
If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
This is a precious moment to me because, our cats are inside cats-and the only time they get let out is "under adult supervision". But they looooveee it. They don't go anywhere, just simply sit in a patch of grass that gets good sunlight. Except Sasha's favorite spot is just outside the door....looking inside. This girl spends her time begging to get out just so she can look back in. 
Good times.
(This segment inspired by

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Today Feels Like: Rain

I think these photos pretty much capture the mood around here right now. We have settled into rainy days, hot coffees, warm soups, and fuzzy slippers. I find there is something very peaceful about this time of year. Right before all the holiday hustle, it is like the world takes a breath.
This season also brings a shift in focus to more "nesting" projects. My attentions have been on making big batches of food and freezing them for the days to come, planning holiday fun, and of course knitting. It seems that whenever fall turns over, I dash to my yarn stash and dreams of hand knits fill my thoughts.
As as post scrips I have made a funny discovery this week...apparently when I am doing a Knit stitch I use the English style (of holding the yarn in my right hand) and when I am doing a Purl stitch I use the Continental style (of holding the yarn in my left had).  For any non-knitters out there the Purl stitch is basically the back of the Knit stitch, so to get that cool knitted look-you have to do both stitches. I taught myself to knit many years ago, and I have just figured out my quirk this week. Ummmm Hello!?
In retrospect my teaching myself is probably what led to this inconsistency. So now the question is do I switch my Knit stitch to Continental style (because let's get real- it is just easier) or just roll with what I have been doing for so long?......It makes me wonder what else I am doing backwards. :)
Hoping everyone has a wonderful Autumn day.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013


Here is a picture of an oil painting I did a few years ago. I love this painting mostly because I had such fun painting it. For me, sometimes I can knock out a work in a few hours or sometimes it takes many many....many hours. This labor of love came fast and spontaneously.

"All children are born artists. The problem is to remain an artist once we grow up"
Pablo Picasso 

Monday, November 4, 2013

Friday, November 1, 2013

Captured Moments

A Friday ritual. A simple, special, extraordinary moment. A moment to pause, savor, and remember.
If you are inspired to do the same, leave a link to your 'moment' in the comments for all to find and see.
Simply my most favorite photo that I took on a morning walk the other day. No other words, just love.
Have a great weekend everyone.
(This segment inspired by