Wednesday, April 30, 2014


I love painting people + faces. 
I was kind of intimidated by painting anything other than abstraction for a long time. But the human figure is actually really fun, if you have a reference. 
I love to just let the paint flow + just see what I end up with. And that is how I started working in the beginning, spontaneous, colorful, but admittedly hit or miss. But as I have painted more over the years, I find using a picture or really anything as a reference to be much more rewarding.
I would say this work is somewhere in between. I did use a photo for the face, but then kinda just had fun with some swills for the rest. 
Thanks for checking out my work + have a great day.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Self Portrait or Simply a Selfie

I read this great write up here and it got me thinking...What IS the difference between a "self portrait" and all these "selfies"?
It seems everywhere you look online you can find a girl looking in a mirror, or with her arm extended, making a duck face. Although the duck thing probably warrants a post unto itself, for now I am more interested in distinguishing between classic portraiture, and the now commonplace selfie.
 From what I can gather, the distinction can be made between convenience and artistic intent. Selfies are intended to capture something quick. Spontaneous. What you are wearing. What you are eating. Who you are with (the group selfie). Often taken with our smartphones and uploaded instantly to social media, these photos often document our life in a more "as it is" .
Whereas self portraits generally focus more on composition, lighting, or conveying an emotion. Maybe not always as "honest" as a selfie, self portraits ask us to go deeper and express a vulnerability that is often lacking in a quick snapshot.
Either fast or meticulous, posed or captured, we have the ability to document ourselves as never before. And there is value in both. Giving the masses a camera in their hands at. all. times. IS generating some silly things, but also beautiful and artistic expression.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Mehndi Monday

Just some more mehndi practice.
As the weather gets nicer it is super fun to wear some henna.
Have a great Monday.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Here is an oil painting I did a while back. I was taking a class on ancient religions, and we were studying the Greek gods and goddesses. I don't really remember the assignment, except that one of the options was to paint a picture!
So here she is, dancing in the gloaming, my Aphrodite. 
I wish I still had this one, although not super technical, I really enjoyed painting it.

Monday, April 21, 2014

Blogiversary + Top 5 Henna Posts

April marks the One Year Blogiversary of this little space.
Henna is one of my favorite things to do + to wear, and I love that this blog has been a great place to document and share my work.
In celebration of the last year I wanted to post my top 5 favorite henna designs.
Check out more pics and the full post here.

Check out more pics and the full post here

Check out the full post here.

Check out more pics and the full post here.

Check out more pics and the full post here.

Thanks again to everyone who reads and checks in on this blog.
I love being able to share my projects, especially my henna and have it so well received.
Looking forward to even more good stuff in the year to come.
Happy Mehndi Monday.

Friday, April 18, 2014

Blogiversary + The Top 10 Posts

April marks the One Year Blogiversay of this little space.
I cannot believe how much I have enjoyed documenting the last year on this blog.
In celebration I wanted to take a look back at my 10 favorite posts from the lasts 12 months.

I really want to be painting more in general, and this painting is a great reminder to do just that. 
Check out the full post here.
This is a special moment because I have never tried to knit anything so ambitious, as a sweater.
Check out the full post here.
It was a coooooold winter all over. And our little town got snow.
Check out some snowy pics, and my thoughts on plant smuggling in the full post here.
One of my very first posts, and still some of my favorite pictures. 
Check out the full post here.
Today Feels Like Purple
I just love this west coast sunset. Awesome pictures without any filter.
Check out the full post here.
Life Of A Tomato
Growing my very first tomato plant.
Check out the full post here.
DIY Cork Board Display
This is one of my most "popular" posts from the whole year.
Check out the full post here.
Tiles In Parts
I love doing henna on almost anything! Here is how I apply it to ceramic tiles.
Check out the full post here.
Flowers In The Wind
This was the most fun origami project.
Check out my full post here.
Last but not least, one of my favorite posts to write.
Check out the full post here.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading and checking in on this blog over the last year. Your readership means a lot, and I really appreciate you taking the time to look at my photos and read my words.
I am looking forward to the next year, with lots of ideas, and crafty projects that I cannot wait to share.
Thank you again for a really fun year, and have a great weekend.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Instagram Me

So I have not been on Instagram very long, but it is super fun. Here are a few photos from my adventures in square photography.
It is nice to be able to upload vintage-like photos so simply, and have storage for a mass of pictures, that over time become like a little unique collection.
 I have not done any of the things that you are supposed to do to get Instagram followers. 
I am terrible at hashtages, and commenting on other people posts, and I never re-post any ones pics....I only post my own stuff, and am mostly enjoying my little corner of the internet. 
But sometimes its lonely so, follow along with me!!
Have a great day.

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Green Juice

I love juicing. 
I didn't know I loved it until recently, but my love is real.
Seriously I have been wonderfully surprised by how delicious so many fruits and vegetables are combined and juiced. I wouldn't choose to eat a bushel of kale, 2 apples, half a lemon, and an orange for a meal...but with my juicer it is the best breakfast in town.
With spring budding all around these parts, and my garden plot ripe for planting....methinks my juicing obsession has come at the perfect time.
Hope things are warming up in your neck of the woods.